What is ACE Pre-School

ACE Pre-School is a learning through play session for children who are 2 years of age. It operates daily from 9:00 to 2:00 pm, following Oxfordshire school terms. We offer sessions from 9.00 – 12.00, or 9.00 – 2.00, where Parents provide a lunch for their child. From September 2024 we will be offering the opportunity to further extend your child’s session with us by adding a breakfast club from 8.00 am. We are on the same site as the Nursery School but are a separate childcare provider run by the ACE Centre Charity Ltd. Many children come to the ACE Pre-School through ACE Childcare and then move on to the Nursery School. We work hard to give children a smooth transition between the settings.

ACE Pre-School is often a child’s first experience of learning through play where they are independent from their Parents and Carers, therefore the Key Person is a very important practitioner. Every child and family will have a Key Person who is their special person, there to help your child settle and be the link between home and setting.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum provides the framework for learning through play and exploration, within the rich learning environment at ACE Pre-School. In common with the other settings across the centre, the ACE Pre-School environment is set up around Core Experiences block play, mark making, cookery, painting, music and dance, sand and water (Core Experiences). The curriculum focus before the age of three is on the Characteristics of Effective Learning and the three Prime Areas.

“I like the fact of knowing that he is gaining confidence and independence, as he’s always with mum or dad. I have noticed that he has started to do his own things at home.”
(Parent / Carer Comment)

The key person draws together observations of each child’s learning and development to inform planning. Our planning takes children’s individual interests and needs into account and provides a wide range of experiences across the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS).

“I absolutely love the observation. It shows me how well she is doing and confirms to me that she really enjoys the experience of ACE Pre-School. I have learnt a lot about my child and how she loves doing everything.”
(Parent / Carer Comment)

Our aim is to work in partnership with families from all backgrounds and cultures to support children’s learning and development through a wide range of high quality experiences and opportunities, indoors and outdoors, following the children’s unique interests and needs.

“My child really enjoys coming to ACE Pre-School. We are already seeing improvements in his concentration. We feel you are doing an excellent job.”
(Parent / Carer Comment)

The ACE Pre-School sessions provide a valuable stepping-stone for children who would like to  access the Nursery School here at the ACE Centre, from the term following their third birthday. However, transition is not automatic, and Parents should apply to the Nursery School for a place.

Families in receipt of the funded early educational offer for their two-year old can use this to access 15 hours attendance in ACE Pre-School as five three-hour sessions per week during term times, or three five-hour sessions free of charge. (Breakfast club is charged separately) We are very mindful of the needs of those families who do not qualify for a funded place. With the support of the ACE Centre trustees we have held down costs at £21.00 for a three-hour session, and £35 for a five hour session.