With our termly intake of new starters, the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) group can contain children from different year groups and the group can change throughout the academic year. Click to review our Early Years Pupil Premium Statement for 2023-24

The funding is received in three blocks. It is calculated per pupil each term on a pro rata basis from the census point that a child joins the school.

Early Years Pupil Premium funds are spent with the following aims in mind:

  • To enhance nurture experiences and accelerate settling in by promoting high wellbeing and involvement levels.
  • To provide experiences and interactions that effectively address each child’s individual social, emotional and learning needs by addressing any areas of need and/or by offering extension opportunities to enhance a child’s interests, strengths and talents.
  • To ensure regular and increased attendance, where necessary.
  • To support and boost early language development.
  • To close any gaps in attainment and ensure maximum progress is made by each individual child in receipt of EYPP.
  • To encourage and support family involvement in initiatives such as family focus weeks, parent workshops, parent consultations with the aim of supporting both the child and their family to overcome any barriers they may face in gaining the maximum value from their involvement in high quality early years education.
  • To support children’s early learning by enriching the home learning environment and working with parents and carers to enhance their understanding of their child’s development and learning and of how they can support effectively.
  • To facilitate family attendance at meetings and conferences with other professionals, to ensure early intervention is accessed to support any identified needs for the child and family.
  • To increase children’s access to outdoor learning and Forest School.
  • To ensure that children and families make a successful transition to primary education, with children ready for school and parents confident and knowledgeable to act as advocates for their child throughout all stages of their education.

Evaluation of impact and value for money achieved by a range of interventions has been sought through reference to research via the Educational Endowment Fund website.

In designing our Pupil Premium strategy, we have also considered the research undertaken by NFER and the DfE into the most effective ways to support the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.

We evaluate the impact of our expenditure by observation of individual learners, discussion with parents and carers. The progress and attainment of all children in the Nursery school, including those eligible for EYPP, is closely monitored so that we can quickly identify and respond to individual needs. There is a process to regularly update observations of individual children’s interests, strengths, needs and any barriers to learning.

Our EYPP strategy is reviewed annually to ensure it is in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.


Funding received during the academic year 2022-2023 was as follows:

  • Autumn 2022 £1,003.08
  • Spring 2023 £1,699.02
  • Summer 2023 £


Funding received during the academic year 2021-2022 was as follows:

  • Autumn 2021 £2,310
  • Spring 2022 £2,244.60
  • Summer 2022 £2,438.67


Funding received during the academic year 2020-2021 was as follows:

  • Autumn 2020 £2,730
  • Spring 2021 £2,865
  • Summer 2021 £3,030


Funding received during the academic year 2019-2020 was as follows:

  • Autumn 2019 £3032.40
  • Spring 2020 £3,478.80
  • Summer 2020 £3,313.80

In the academic year 2019-20 Early Years Pupil Premium was spent as follows:

  • Teaching Assistant hours targeted to deliver speech, language and communication development programme (Early Talk Boost) and 1-1 language support
  • Teaching Assistant hours targeted to support pupil engagement and the development of self-regulation skills
  • Additional sessions in Nursery School including lunch sessions to support attendance, to promote school readiness, to enable parents to attend meetings with other professionals involved with their child or family
  • Additional Forest School sessions for children with limited access to outdoor experiences or to extend access to this provision where we have observed a positive impact on children’s social, language, wellbeing, involvement or self-regulation skills
  • Providing each child with their own personalised home library, a writing resources pack and a maths mastery pack to support home learning and connections between home and learning in Nursery School. Providing links to videos of nursery school staff reading stories and leading short sessions to keep children in touch with practitioners and to support home learning during lockdown periods.
  • Living Eggs experience: a stimulus for involvement, talk and nurture at the start of the Nursery School year
  • Whole team training on Makaton and emotion coaching.
  • Additional staff hours to support transition to Primary School for vulnerable learners: additional visits to Nursery School, supported visits to Primary School for child and parent.

A detailed evaluation of the impact of EYPP funding is completed for each individual child.