Nursery School Newsletter 25

Hi All

Last week we focused on ‘Seaside Fun’ following on from the children’s interests. The children and staff had fun creating a ‘seaside’ up in the large sandpit! This was a great activity to promote communication and language and a chance for children to recall their seaside experiences. The staff modelled key vocabulary linked to the seaside and encouraged children to use it confidently within their play. The children used their imagination and were engaged in role play scenarios linked to the seaside, the weather was perfect 😎 The children were also involved in making wave paintings, along with lots of water play, the mud kitchen was also popular this week with many concoctions being prepared and served.

This week’s Nursery School highlights:

Brave Kind Minds – This week some of the children had a mindful movement session, where they found calm, courage and compassion through mindfulness, movement and meditation. Sarah Jones is a local health and wellbeing coach and is running these sessions for us, which ‘Thrive’ a local organisation is kindly funding . All children who attend Nursery on a Tuesday will have three consecutive sessions either this term or next. Most children were keen to engage in the session and we are looking forward to the next session.

Forest School – Groups C & D did forest school last week and Groups A & B will be participating this coming week. Forest School is now on a Thursday (am & pm) and will just be for our older children who are leaving us at the end of the Summer term. I have put a list up on the internal door by cloakroom so you can check which group your child is in. We have waterproofs but please do ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school. If your child does not attend on a Thursday and you would like them to attend for Forest School, please do let me know. Risk assessments will be sent out as and when needed for you to read and then we will ask you to sign a master copy at school agreeing you happy for your child to partake in specific activities that have a level of risk involved. Last week we started the session with checking in with how everyone was feeling and then discussed fire safety, I explained that hopefully we would have a fire for our last session but to do so the children need to show me they can listen, follow instructions and rules to stay safe. we read a story called ‘Fiery Fox’. The children were keen to look for minibeasts, we discussed what minibeasts they might find and where they might be. Then we observed and discussed the minibeasts the children had found and identified individual features. We also discussed what trees we could see looking at similarities and differences.


Maths – We continued with cardinality and counting, the children enjoyed the group time activities where each child voted for which book was to be read and represented number of votes in a range of ways before listening to the story which had the most votes. We also sang a range of number songs, which involved counting forwards and backwards which they always like.

Phonics – We have been focusing on oral blending and segmenting, where we have been listening to phonemes (sounds) within words and remembering them in the order in which they occur. We have done lots of sound talk using robot arms when breaking down words into sounds such as c-a-t / d-o-g / sh-ee-p / s-o-ck etc. This helps children to recognise sounds make words.

This week’s poem – Rock Pools (will send separately)

Reminders / Information

  • Snack – Thank you for all the snack contributions, remember you can bring your donation on any day of the week if you are able – any fruit, veg or savoury option such as crackers, rice cakes, bread sticks is very much appreciated
  • Sun Cream / Hats – Please remember to apply sun cream to your child before nursery, children who stay all day please provide a named sun cream to stay at school. We will help support your child to apply their cream but we will encourage them to apply it as independently as they can. The sponge style applicators (refillable) have proven to be the most successful – along with the roll on sun creams. Please also bring in a named hat in for your child.
  • Water Bottles – Please try to remember to put your child’s water bottle in the water caddies provided, these will then be used within session and then taken over to lunch and brought back again for those staying for lunch / all day.
  • Books / Items in reception by back door – Please do take a look at books / items available and take, you can leave a small donation if you would like to. These items will be cleared / donated to charity shops at the end of the day on Tuesday.

I hope you have all had a great weekend.

Kind regards

Zoe 😊