Nursery School Newsletter 24

Hi All

We have had a good start to the term, the children have enjoyed spending lots time outside embracing all current weather conditions. Last week we continued focussing on ‘Growth’ and ‘New Life’, and this week has been all about ‘Fairy Tales’ and ‘Magic’.

This week’s Nursery School highlights:

Inside the children have also been making up their own potions and spells. They have enjoyed playing number games and singing number songs. We have shared fairy tales and some children have created their own helicopter stories. In art this week the children have been creating golf ball paintings, which we have linked to the artist ‘Pablo Picasso’ who is known for his line drawings.

Outside the children have had fun creating a range of potions up in the mud kitchen. They have also been mark making with water using a range of brushes and rollers. The children have also been keen to write and deliver post, we have encouraged this and enjoyed receiving letters / pictures throughout the day.

Forest School – We started Forest School this week for our older children who will be leaving us in September, moving forwards we will now be doing Forest School on a Thursday. Your child will attend Forest school every other week (am or pm session), I will put up a list so you know which group your child is in and what week they will be participating in Forest School. We have waterproofs but please do ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school. If your child does not attend on a Thursday and you would like them to attend for Forest School, please do let me know. I will also send out some risk assessments for you to read and then ask you to sign a master copy at school agreeing you happy for your child to partake. All children that are staying with us next year, will start Forest School in the Autumn term.


Maths – This week’s focus has been on cardinality and counting, the children have been recognising numerals which have a personal significance to them, exploring numerals and representing different quantities, tagging each object with each number name as they count, recognising numerals and understand what they correspond to.

Phonics – This week we have continued to distinguish between the differences in vocal sounds, including oral blending and segmenting. The children have explored speech sounds through activities and talked about the different sounds that we can make with our voices. Our sound this week has been ‘a’, the children were great at identifying objects / pictures beginning with ‘a’ and adding them to the ‘silly soup’ pot and mixing them up.

This week’s poem – Five Little Owls

Five little owls in an old elm tree,

As fluffy and puffy as owls could be.

Blinking and winking their big round eyes,

At the big round moon that hung in the skies.

As I walked beneath, I could hear one say,

“They’ll be mouse for supper, there will be today.”

Then all of them hooted, “Tu-witt, tu-whoo.

Yes, mouse for supper, Hoo-hoo. Hoo-hoo.”

Reminders / Information

  • Our photographer Heather will be coming next Thursday the 9th of May, she will be in the centre all day taking natural photographs (black and white) of the children during free flow play. If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday, they are welcome to come in for an additional am / pm session depending on pattern of attendance.
  • Please can we ask you name all items of clothing, if your child is missing any items of clothing we have put all unnamed items on the lost property table by the back door. We will add these to our spare clothes at the end of term or send to charity, so please do take a look.
  • If you are waiting for speech and language involvement for your child, please be aware you are looking up at 2 and half years after referral for your child to be seen due to the NHS being completely overwhelmed. We know this is disappointing and such a long time to wait when your child needs input now, we will help as much as we can by carrying out speech sound checks and identifying sounds your child is struggling with and can provide ideas and activities to do at school and home. But we are not trained speech and language therapists, if you are in the position to have your child assessed privately we do have a private speech and language therapist that comes in weekly to support some of our children. If interested please contact Caroline Harrison for more details but do state your child attends the Ace Centre. Here is Caroline’s website with more information – 

I hope you have had a lovely long weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday

Kind regards

Zoe 😊