Nursery School Newsletter 23

Hi All

Welcome back to term 5, we hope you had a lovely Easter break. The children have settled back in well this week and our new children have had their visits and are settling into nursery well.

This week’s Nursery School highlights:

This week we have been focusing on ‘Growth / New Life’, we have planted potatoes, tomatoes, a pumpkin, peas and some strawberries up in the allotment so far. Some of the children have also planted some dwarf sunflowers to take home, here are some instructions to look after the sunflowers – 

The children have spent a lot of time outside this week which has been lovely, the sunshine has definitely helped. The children have also enjoyed spending time in the large sandpit, where they have taken their shoes off and felt the sand between their toes. Ball and water runs have been made and adapted as the week has gone on, inside the children have been collaging with the focus being on spring / blossom.

Maths – We have been focusing on comparison through songs and activities, the vocabulary we have using are words such as – more, less, small, large, short, long, heavy & light. We will continue to focus on this next week.

Phonics – This week we have been distinguishing between the differences in vocal sounds, including oral blending and segmenting. The children have explored speech sounds through activities and talked about the different sounds that we can make with our voices. Again we will carry on with this focus next week. On Friday we also enjoyed playing ‘Silly Soup’ with a number of pictures / items beginning with the letter sound ‘n’ along with a few pictures / items that begin with different sounds to add a layer a challenge and help children discriminate between sounds.

This week’s poem – Five Little Peas (we will continue this next week)

Five little peas in a pea pod pressed
One grew, two grew, and so did all the rest
They grew and they grew and they did not stop
Until one day the pod went pop

Our theatre trip

I have added some photos from the last week of term including Easter activities and our trip to the theatre. Thank you again to everyone who came and helped on the trip, it was very much appreciated. The children all had a great time and was nice to be out and about in the community.

Reminders / Information

  • Thank you for your snack contributions this week, please do remember to bring in something each week if you can, it does not matter which day you bring in your donation.
  • If you have a child going to primary school in September you should have now received confirmation on which school your child has been allocated. We will work with all schools regarding transition, some teachers will come into Nursery to see the children, some will speak to us on the phone or arrange a meeting. We will also be writing reports for each child who is leaving us at the end of the Summer term, you and your child’s new school will receive a copy of these. Each school will contact you directly about welcome meetings, settling in etc.

I hope you have had a nice weekend, and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Kind regards

Zoe 😊