ACE Childcare

Click here to read our latest outstanding Ofsted report (September 2019).

Year-round care for children under 3 years

We are on the same site as the Nursery School but are a separate childcare provider run by the ACE Centre Charity Ltd. Many children come to the ACE Centre through ACE Childcare or via ACE Pre-school and then stay on for their Nursery School sessions, and we work hard to give children a smooth transition between the settings.

Care and early learning for children under 3 is provided for 51 weeks of the year within our small day nursery, a cosy and nurturing setting, where children are supported by their key person and a dedicated team of early years practitioners. ACE Childcare is open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm. We aim to provide a homely environment which is welcoming, physically and emotionally secure, for each child. To apply for government funding for Childcare please click here.

To find out about tax free childcare please click here.

“Staff provide a high-quality curriculum which covers all aspects of children’s learning in depth. Children settle extremely well. Staff meet their individual care and learning needs excellently. Children develop highly positive relationships with staff and each other. Children are very happy, keen to explore and love learning. Their attitudes and behaviour are excellent.” (Ofsted, 2019)

Our programme and learning environment is designed to enable our youngest children to achieve high levels of wellbeing and involvement in a range of experiences. We recognise that young children need close nurturing relationships with their significant adults, including their key person, as children need to feel safe and happy to be able to thrive and learn.

“The impressive indoor and outdoor areas stimulate children to explore. Leaders and managers are passionate about improving outcomes for children. They share their enthusiasm with staff and use self-evaluation very effectively to identify, drive and improve the quality of provision.” (Ofsted, 2019)

We aim to foster a close relationship and dialogue with parents and carers. Our Focus Child observations, which are used across the centre, are a key way to share our insights into each child’s learning and development. This provides an opportunity for a very personal conversation about how we can together support and extend each individual child.

“Valuable links with other early years professionals help to strengthen staff practice and knowledge. Leaders’ and managers’ monitoring extend to different groups of children, as well as individuals, to ensure they make the best possible progress.” (Ofsted, 2019)

Families in receipt of government funding for children aged from 9 months to three years old can use this to access 15 or 30 hours attendance in ACE Childcare. With the support of the ACE Centre trustees we have held down costs at £39.00 for a morning session, £37.00 for an afternoon session and £75.00 for a full day.

Year-round care for children 3-5 years

We are on the same site as the Nursery School but are a separate childcare provider run by the ACE Childcare charity. By working in partnership with the maintained nursery school, children can take up their funded free education sessions in a way which is fully integrated with their daycare. We offer families the possibility to wrap additional daycare around their free 15/30 hours entitlement, from the term after their child’s 3rd birthday.

Children enjoy both their free and fee-paying hours within our outstanding nursery school, supported by their key person, qualified teachers and familiar early years workers.

“Children gain skills that prepare them for future success.”
(Ofsted, 2019)

Holiday playschemes for Nursery School children (including summer term leavers)

During the school holidays we offer a holiday playscheme to our Nursery School children which runs within the familiar environment of the centre. Children enjoy learning through play with staff who are regular early years workers from across the centre. Find out more.