Nursery School Newsletter 16


Dear Parents

This week’s Nursery School highlights:

  • Snack/Cooking – Some of the children made cheese scones with Marlena, here is the recipe if you would like to make them at home. Marlena said the children did a great job of working together, they took care when they were grating the cheese and were using a lovely range of vocabulary during their cooking experience.
  • Outside – The children enjoyed exploring the icy weather, they found lots

of different shapes and pieces of ice, some estimated and counted quantities whilst others experimented with the melting process. We also made ball runs and set up a story time area, where the children listened to stories, read stories and some even made up their own stories which we later acted out. We also went on a dinosaur hunt, where the children changed the words to the classic story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

  • Inside – The children had a fantastic time with Jenny this week: dancing, performing and on Friday they did some yoga. They enjoyed setting up a stage and they had scarves and ribbons to use in their performances. It was a joy to observe and see the children express themselves freely within their play.
  • Forest School – Goldilocks and the Three Bears were up in forest school, waiting to retell their story to the children whilst their porridge was cooking on the fire. There was also a 20 bear “bear hunt”. By popular demand the children were keen to practice their core strength and balance skills, where they used the rope bridge and rope swing.

Our core book How do you feel? – This book looks at a range of feelings and got the children thinking about their own emotions. They were able to share experiences and express times when they have felt such emotions. We discussed how all feelings are okay and how others experience emotions differently, which helps to make us individual.

Phonics – This week’s sound is ‘b’, so we have been thinking about words beginning with ‘b’ and doing the jolly phonics action for ‘b’. Here is a link to the song. We have also been recapping on environmental sounds throughout the week.

Maths – Our maths focus for this week has remained on cardinality and counting, we have done intentional teaching at group times and have been reinforcing this within our daily provision and routines.

Our poem this week has been:

A Little House

I’m going to build a little house,

With windows big and bright,

And chimneys tall with curling smoke,

Drifting out of sight.

In winter when the snowflakes fall,

Or when I hear a storm,

I’ll go and sit in my little house,

Where I’ll be snug and warm.

This week’s song has been ‘There’s a Dinosaur and you know it’, the children have loved this song and we have talked about new words in the song such as soaring, skydiving and grazing.

To help with clear communication here are a few reminders (helpful information):

  • Snack – Thank you SO much for the snack contributions this week, it has made a huge difference and the children have had a good variety to choose from. We ask for any fruit, vegetables and savoury snacks (such as rice cakes, breadsticks or crackers).
  • The children have shown a fascination with snakes this week, so next week we are planning on making snakes and ask for any long socks or tights donations.
  • Cold weather – Please send in named hats and gloves for when the weather is cold.
  • Forest School – When it is your child’s week for forest school please send your child in additional layers, we do have waterproofs at school, but you can send in their own if you would prefer. It is helpful If your child knows if they have their own and where they find them.
  • Friends of the ACE Centre – A meeting will be held soon to move forward on the relaunch of the group. Please look out for the date and come along to see how we can raise essential funds for the whole centre.
  • Headlice – We have had a case of headlice reported so please do check your child’s hair and treat accordingly. Here is the headlice and nits NHS page to advise you what to look out for and how to treat them if you find your child has headlice. Thank you for your co-operation.

I hope you all have a brilliant weekend.

Best wishes,

Zoe Wakefield.